A one-stop shop list of Armenian businesses, products and services worldwide, as well as ally businesses. An Armenian business directory accessible by anyone, at any time, to make supporting the Armenian community simple and easy.

Our Mission

We at The Big Fat Armenian List strive to:

  • Garner awareness of our beautiful and diverse talents and skills worldwide 

  • Bring exposure to businesses we otherwise might not have known about (i.e. Armenian-owned sushi restaurants, one-of-a kind pieces, etc.) 

  • Bring allies of the Armenian community on board

  • Provide advanced search functionality and map features, so that finding and supporting Armenian businesses is just a few taps or clicks away

  • Rally around and support any struggling Armenian businesses during the global COVID-19 pandemic


In July 2020, Armenians worldwide were shaken by the rumblings of a potential war in the precious historic land of Artsakh. We did not, and could not fathom that within mere months, we would witness the heartbreaking, unimaginable events and crimes committed against our people during the escalation of the war in the fall months. Like many Armenians, a sense of urgency and much-needed activism grew in our hearts to support in whatever way we could, from wherever we are.

That summer, two friends came together in an effort to create a simple, readily accessible spreadsheet of Armenian businesses that would drive Armenians across the world and their allies to shop Armenian, especially when so many of those businesses were donating proceeds to soldiers and families affected by the war. Inspired by other local communities initiating similar efforts in this time of need, our goal was to create an opportunity for the Armenian Diaspora to come together and support one another as easily as possible. 

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Before we knew it, our list had amassed nearly one thousand entries, and we knew that what started as a simple spreadsheet was no longer sustainable if we wanted to expand and (dare we say) bring forth actual positive change to Armenia and Armenians worldwide. The Big Fat Armenian List list was born, and two became three on a mission to take our humble spreadsheet to a fully built website.

Looking Ahead…

We collectively still have a lot of work to do. The work doesn’t end with the launch of this website; it’s an ongoing effort and one that we share with the many amazing people in our community. Our ultimate goal is to one day provide a comprehensive Armenian Business Directory that includes ALL Armenian businesses worldwide. No Armenian businesses left behind. 

Thank you for your support.

Henrietta, Nelly and Jasmine